Банк Приднестровья

Pridnestrovian Republican Bank

Основные направления единой государственной денежно-кредитной политики на 2024 год

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Series of commemorative coins of base metals «Chinese horoscope»

      "Year of the Dragon"


     Denomination: 1 ruble
     Metal: steel, nickel-plated
     Diameter: 22.0 mm
     Weight: 4.65 g
     Edge: smooth
     Circulation: up to 35 000 pieces
     Arts: Golovchenco O.

Avers: in the center - the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic; along the rim - the inscription: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank), at the bottom - the Year of issue "2023"; at the bottom under the arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 ruble).  

Reverse: in the center there is a stylized image of a dragon; on the left is a Chinese character indicating the symbol of the year; at the top in a circle – the inscription «ГОД ДЕРЕВЯННОГО ДРАКОНА» (YEAR OF THE WOODEN DRAGON); below is the inscription “2024”.

    "Year of the Rabbit"


     Denomination: 1 ruble
     Metal: steel, nickel-plated
     Diameter: 22.0 mm
     Weight: 4.65 g
     Edge: smooth
     Circulation: up to 35 000 pieces
     Arts: Michailova I 

Avers: in the center - the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic; along the rim - the inscription: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank), at the bottom - the Year of issue "2021"; at the bottom under the arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 ruble).  

Reverse: in the center - a stylized image of a rabbit, on the right - a Chinese character denoting the symbol of the year; on the left - the inscription: «ГОД КРОЛИКА» (YEAR OF THE RABBIT), below - the inscription: "2023".

    "Year of the Tiger"


     Denomination: 1 ruble
     Metal: steel, nickel-plated
     Diameter: 22.0 mm
     Weight: 4.65 g
     Edge: smooth
     Circulation: up to 35 000 pieces
     Arts: Sokolova A 

Avers: in the center - the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic; along the rim - the inscription: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank), at the bottom - the Year of issue "2021"; at the bottom under the arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 ruble).  

Reverse: in the center - a stylized image of a tiger's head, on the left - a Chinese character denoting the symbol of the year; above - the inscription: «ГОД ВОДЯНОГО ТИГРА» (YEAR OF THE WATER TIGER), below - the inscription: "2022". 

     "Year of  the Monkey"

     Denomination: 1 ruble
     Metal: steel, nickel-plated
     Diameter: 22.0 mm
     Weight: 4.65 g
     Edge: smooth
     Circulation: 50 000 pieces  

Avers: in the center - the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic; along the rim - the inscription: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank), at the bottom - the Year of issue "2015"; at the bottom under the arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 ruble).  

Reverse: image sitting on the rocks with a snub-nosed monkey cub of China; Left in the background - a fragment of a "Chinese landscape"; above - hieroglyph symbol of 2016; at the top - the inscription "ГОД ОГНЕННОЙ ОБЕЗЬЯНЫ" (Year of the Fire Monkey) at the bottom - the inscription "2016".

    "Year of  the Rooster"


    Denomination: 1 ruble
    Metal: steel, nickel-plated
    Diameter: 22.0 mm
    Weight: 4.65 g
    Edge: smooth
    Circulation: 50 000 pieces  

Avers: in the center - the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic; along the rim - the inscription: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank), at the bottom - the Year of issue "2016"; at the bottom under the arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 ruble.).  

Reverse: in the center - stylized rooster image; above - hieroglyph symbol 2017; left inscription - "2017" at the top of the inscription - "ГОД ОГНЕННОГО ПЕТУХА" (YEAR FIERY ROOSTER). 

     "Year of  the yellow dog"


     Denomination: 1 ruble
     Metal: steel, nickel-plated
     Diameter: 22.0 mm
     Weight: 4.65 g
     Edge: smooth
     Circulation: 50 000 pieces  

Avers: in the center - the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic; along the rim - the inscription: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank), at the bottom - the Year of issue "2017"; at the bottom under the arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 ruble.).  

Reverse: in the center - a stylized image of a dog; to the right - a hieroglyph symbolizing the symbol of 2018, beneath - the inscription "2018"; above: from left to right - the inscription "ГОД ЖЁЛТОЙ СОБАКИ" (YEAR OF THE YELLOW DOG).

     "Year of  the boar"


     Denomination: 1 ruble
     Metal: steel, nickel-plated
     Diameter: 22.0 mm
     Weight: 4.65 g
     Edge: smooth
     Circulation: 50 000 pieces  

Avers: in the center - the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic; along the rim - the inscription: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank), at the bottom - the Year of issue "2018"; at the bottom under the arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 ruble.).  

Reverse: in the center - a stylized image of a boar; Above - the inscription «ГОД КАБАНА» (YEAR OF THE BOAR); on the right is the Chinese character for the Year; below - the inscription "2019".

     "Year of the Rat"


      Denomination: 1 ruble
      Metal: steel, nickel-plated
      Diameter: 22.0 mm
      Weight: 4.65 g
      Edge: smooth
      Circulation: up to 50 000 pieces
      Art: Stel`mahovskaya O

Avers: in the center - the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic; along the rim - the inscription: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank), at the bottom - the Year of issue "2019"; at the bottom under the arms - the denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 ruble).  

Reverse: on the left is a stylized image of a pair of rats on a sakura branch, on the right is a Chinese character denoting the symbol of the Year; above - the inscription «ГОД МЕТАЛЛИЧЕСКОЙ КРЫСЫ» (YEAR OF THE METAL RAT); below - the inscription "2020".

     "Year of Bull"


     Denomination: 1 ruble
     Metal: steel, nickel-plated
     Diameter: 22.0 mm
     Weight: 4.65 g
     Edge: smooth
     Circulation: up to 50 000 pieces
Avers: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika; around the circle - the inscriptions: above - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank), below - the Year of issue of the coin "2020"; in the lower part under the coat of arms - denomination «1 РУБЛЬ» (1 ruble).

Reverse: in the center - a stylized image of a bull's head against the background of the starry sky, at the top - a Chinese character denoting the symbol of the Year.