Банк Приднестровья

Pridnestrovian Republican Bank

Основные направления единой государственной денежно-кредитной политики на 2024 год

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Bulletin PMR
Вестник ПРБ

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c  07.09.2024
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EUR 17.8726
RUB 0.1792
UAH 0.3918
MDL 0.8930


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History of the bank


Pridnestrovian Republican Bank (PRB) is the main bank of  Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR). 
On 22 December 1992 the Supreme Council of PMR decreed to establish Pridnestrovian Republican Bank in accordance with the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic’s Law "On Pridnestrovian Republican Bank" in order to regulate the banking sistem of PMR. 
This meant that Republic began to form its financial system. Under very hard circumstances, at the time when the government of Moldova tried to squeeze Pridnestrovian Republic in economic and political blockade, eshablishment of Pridnestrovian Republican Bank was a great step forward in strengthening the Republic’s independence. 
At that time material and technical basis of  the Bank was forming, as well as its staff and the Bank’s international connections. 
Next step in strenthening the Republic’s statehood was introduction of  its own monetary unit. 
The process of introducing new currency was not trouble-free. At the very beginning Soviet and Russian banknotes of 1961-1992 years of issue were used with a special adhesive stamp. This practice of using a temporary currency was applied in Check Republic and Slovakia at the time of the division of their financial systems after the velvet revolution. So Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic just made use of this international experience. 
In 1994 new monetary unit was introduced into circulation - the Pridnestrovian ruble. 
With the introduction of its own monetary unit Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, which by that time had all the attributes of a sovereign state, got one of the most important elements of financial independence - its own currency. 

The Memorandum 
In May 1997 the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, through the mediation of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and the OSCE Mission, signed the Memorandum "On the bases for Normalisation of Relations between the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic" in order to reaffirm their commitment to the principles of the UN, OSCE and generally recognised norms of international law. 
According to the Memorandum, Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic has the right to unilaterally establish and maintain international contacts in the economic, scientific-technical and cultural spheres (Article 3 of the Memorandum). 
Thus, through the mediation of the Guarantor States (Russia and Ukraine) and the OSCE, Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic obtained a status of the independent subject of the international law in the economic, scientific-technical and cultural spheres. As a result of this, Pridnestrovian Republican Bank got an opportunity to act as the central bank of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic on the international scene. 
Currently, the Pridnestrovian Republican Bank (TRB), financial institutions Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (are licensed Pridnestrovian Republican Bank to conduct  foreign exchange operations) independently establish direct correspondent relations with foreign banks , the required calculations in Pridnestrovian rubles and foreign currencies .    
The next step was the introduction of strengthening the State 's own currency - Pridnestrovian ruble. With the introduction of its own currency Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, which had already by that time all the attributes of a sovereign independent state , has acquired one of the most important elements of  financial own currency. 
In order to consolidate the positive changes taking place in the national economy during 2000 - a slowdown in decline, reducing inflation - it was decided to hold a January 1, 2001 pridnestrovian ruble denomination in the scale of  1 million rubles to the old one to the new . Implementing measures to prepare to change the nominal value of banknotes Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and the price scale, the Pridnestrovian Republican Bank was guided by two main principles: avoid any losses for the population and the gradual replacement of  banknotes in the normal course of their treatment .       
Since January 1, 2001 pridnestrovian ruble denomination was painless for the economy and almost imperceptible to the public. At the same time many of the expected surge in consumer price and exchange rate pridnestrovian ruble has not happened. Commodity and currency markets have quickly adapted to the new scale of prices and operate stably. The population PMR strengthened confidence in the ruble PMR.   

Historical facts.         

In 2000-2004 PRB were issued new banknotes denominated 1, 5, 10, 25 , 50, 100 , 200, 500 rubles PMR.       
In 2000 was released the first commemorative coins PRB  face  values of 25 and 50 rubles, dedicated 10-Year Anniversary of the PMR. 
Since 2000, PRB will issue a commemorative silver and gold coins of various series .              
November 18, 2005 in the PMR opened its own Mint.      
October 21, 2006 Pridnestrovian Republican Bank opened after the reconstruction and modernization of  the new administrative building of  the Bank.      
December 22, 2007 PRB coined the new modified rubles sample 2007 denominations of 1, 5 , 10, 25 , 50, 100 rubles.      
May 7, 2007 the Supreme Council of  Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic adopted a new law  "On the Central Bank of  PMR".
The Pridnestrovian Republican Bank approved the graphic image (special sign) of the Pridnestrovian ruble on May 31, 2012. “The key characters of the monetary unit (Pridnestrovian ruble) are recognized in the outline of the sign. There is also a characteristic double stroke used to denote currencies"     
May 21, 2013 PRB coined the new modified sample of  2007 rubles, modification 2012 denominations of  50 and 200 rubles.      
October 15, 2013 PRB coined the new modified banknotes in denominations of 10 rubles of  2007, modified in 2012.
December 11, 2013 PRB coined the new modified sample of 2007 rubles, modification 2012  face values of  25 and 100 rubles.